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Patient enrollment completed in the FILTER-SCAD randomized controlled multi-center trial

The FILTER-SCAD study is a randomized controlled clinical trial including more than 2,000 patients with suspected coronary artery disease (CAD). The study has now successfully completed patient enrollment. The one-year follow-up period will assess the impact on cardiac events. Comprehensive study results will be submitted for publication in Q1 2024.

The FILTER-SCAD study was initiated in 2019 with the goal to investigate the cost efficiency of using the CADScor®System to rule out patients with suspected stable CAD, by reducing the need of unnecessary additional diagnostic assessments, without compromising patient safety.

The study is a prospective, randomized, controlled, parallel-group, multicenter study, with more than 2,000 randomized patients across five sites in Denmark, including Bispebjerg Frederiksberg University Hospital, and one site in Sweden at Skåne University Hospital in Lund.

“After an impressive effort at five Danish sites and one Swedish site we have reached our goal of including 2 000 patients in the FILTER-SCAD study. We are very grateful for the tremendous effort done at all sites. Now a one-year follow-up period will take place. The hypothesis for the study is that stable angina can be ruled out in a large proportion of patients who can safely refrain from further testing after a normal and simple examination combined with a CAD-score. If the data confirms the hypothesis, then these patients can be investigated with an easy and low-cost method by a practicing primary care cardiologist, avoiding more resource demanding in hospital examinations. This would be a great benefit for both the patients and the healthcare system” says co-Principal Investigator, MD, DMSc, FESC, Consultant Cardiologist Søren Galatius from Bispebjerg Frederiksberg University Hospital, Denmark.

Results will include a comparison of cumulative number of non-invasive and invasive diagnostic tests in the intervention group versus the control group. An important secondary endpoint is the difference between the two treatment groups with regards to major adverse cardiac events at one year after randomization.

Comprehensive results are expected to be submitted for publication Q1 2024.